Finally, my 21st birthday celebration is just finished.
First, thanks to all my housemates again.
Although in the exam period, they are celebrating with me on the day! >heart<
Although in the exam period, they are celebrating with me on the day! >heart<
Second,thanks to my numeric gang.
Surprising me on the day! >heart<
Surprising me on the day! >heart<
Third,thanks to my krazy gang.
Belated party and celebration after the killing exam! >heart<
Then,thanks to my uncle and cousins.
Having crazy night with you all! >heart<
Lastly, thanks to my family and friends who came to my party.
Especially to my parents, siblings,aunties who help me lots to organize this!
Thanks to my babies and kluang kakIs too!
>heart< >heart< >heart<
Busy september.Thankfulness september
P/S: Thanks everyone for everything in my life
By Thanksgiver,