Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blue Lil B.O.B

Just bring my B.O.B to back home. haha!
This really is my first time to buy a new hp by myself =)
It symbolize a new start of Mii!! [jia you jia you]
Finally I can be relief ~ from wondering which should I buy~
At here, I am really grateful to YAR~!

Borrowed me her so called extra hp to Mii [touch & aligato neh!]

Why am I here?
I should be doing my tutorial work, revision for my e-test,
revision to be able to catch up when lecturing & tutoring,
doing research for my assignment or watching PPS with them?
Haha, recalling back what have I done last few days..

Please behave in the class!!

1. This is our class "hat" or "cap" king. [juz bcz of hairstle spoilt]
2. Chaos in our class for grouping.
3. Eating in the class.[it's Ok bcz I got it too~]
4. What I need for the boring class @.@
5. Sitting or goyang kaki ??
6. Hypochondia tutor?! WTH..
[totally different from my 61 years old SFM lecturer,
intro nextime ya!]
7. The present group was MOng ChA cHa what his was talking about~
8. mIDDLe finger ? [yorr this kid!]
9. Everyone in the class was totally puzzled @~@

Ninja in the hall!!

Thinking of Sundae~ but end up with

OMG~ This was the very first time to taste such YucKs Sundae [ dissapointed]

Our Kidnap Plan for birthday~

First, a sexy underwear [with some design & our names]

Hang out all his @#$^&!&*

Our plan was so success!! [yeaH]

Actually this idea was came from Mr.Eric birthday's experience.
Still remembered he was tied up on the chair and his whole body got wet then to be moved to the street where under the streetlight. [hahaha bcz have a picz to be proof]

Pappa Rich for dinner and waiting 12 o'clock

More picz have not received yet but many of them are banned!

Dine at Look Up Point

Proudly present -=> Ninja

~ 5 June ~
Coming late so lunch before K!

Introducing latest "Mic Cap"

That's why we can B - BoX in the house [yahoo]

~ 11 June ~

Because of Ninja , here again!!


Ninja is everywhere~

Master of Ninja! [ jang jang ]Sweet girl with sweet voice *.*!

Waiting Kel trying a singlet which the birthday gift for his friend

But [erherm] it is just so 'fit' to him [better dun post =p]

Last 2 days working ..

How was I spending my time in a week?
Tiring to hang out with my all dear classmate but have fun!
Yesterday N msn with me and said ..
i love you and thanks for being my friend
i scared if one day i passed away , i have no chance to tell you

[erm..] Mii too!
I am really grateful to all my friends~
Even my classmates who are just together to go here and there.
My truly friends who always give me support.
I CAN be independent but with you all around,
I am stronger than before.

I should have a new journey again and forgot all memories that cannot be found again.
Life up my life, TLC!!

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